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My own story
The injury
Before becoming a Reiki healer I was working as a writer/editor in tech with a high impact lifestyle, both physically and mentally. Since childhood I had accumulated and stored trauma in my body which wreaked havoc on my personal life. At 30 years-old it finally manifested as a lumbar back injury where I was reduced to walking with a cane and taking a toxic blend of pain meds and muscle relaxers for three months.
After 3 months of physical therapy I still remained on bed rest. Nothing was working. The doctors said the best thing they could offer was a cortisone shot in my spine. With the warning that the procedure doesn't always work and most patients are back with the same problems within a few months, I opted for it anyway. A saving grace, I was pain-free and walking without a cane within a few days. That's when I decided to listen to my body.
Opening the door
I vowed that I would never be so detached and hard on my body again. That's when I found yoga! After a year of regular yoga practice, I healed my back and more importantly, I became kinder to myself. Among many gifts, a yoga practice led me to meditation, which led me into deep, amazing journeys with visions of spirit guides who were working with me to tap into wisdom from much higher realms. Over a period of time I began to experience an opening of my intuitive senses. I developed an inner clairsentience, sensing other people’s energy. My hands literally buzzed in the presence of random strangers. Veils of consciousness were being lifted. Because my energetic vibration was rising, it had allowed for a lightening of my load of all the old emotional baggage I’d been carrying.
Answering the call
I realized something was calling me to do something different with my life. I felt lighter emotionally, more curious, vibrant, engaged. The curiosity allowed me to navigate life with a new sense of wonder. I left the tech world and took a solo trip to Kauai for a month. Between swimming in the Pacific waters, kayaking the Na Pali Coast, dodging the wild roosters and befriending a toad-catching dog named Max, I received guidance to do healing work. Something whispered to me "wake up" and it guided me here.
In addition to my deep connection to the natural world, I've had the honor of working with numerous spiritual teachers, healers, shamans & mystics. I draw from many wisdom traditions and healing practices which form the "medicine bag" of my work.
Priestess lineage
Most recently, I've received activations from sacred sites across the globe linking me to ancient priestess lineages. This infuses my work with the soft, loving energy of Divine Mother archetypes such as Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Goddess Isis, Quan Yin and White Tara. All of which provide us, as women, with the depth, strength and grace needed to navigate our modern world with integrity and love.
I've now been in private practice as an Intuitive, Soul Coach & Reiki Master for over 20 years. It has been an absolute joy making a career out of my soul's calling which is to guide clients back to their true state, discover their own potential and live a more balanced life.
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